Prepare to feast your mind on the death defying, thrilling, and unexpected! Smarty and Speedy are two boys in the wrong place at the wrong time. They become the unwitting executors of a supernatural artisan's estate. Consequently, the two must flee in terror for their lives from a threat that is set upon them—which they cannot see or touch. Three years later Essie, a runaway, balks at inheriting her cousin's three-year-old son. She is sure that the way to deliverance from her drifter existence lies in attending the prestigious Mann University. Yet, the seemingly ordinary child, with an aura in the magic rings around his neck, and his insightful German shepherd protector defy that logic.
ReviewAir is quite an interesting read, in which the author presents an entirely different paranormal element with skill and ease. I like how the author describes the situation when the main characters face trouble and the events which take place. However, I think some of the descriptions can be omitted, as it is not necessary for readers to know their every move.
Smarty and Speedy are two youngsters, who, I believe, will play a greater role in the second installment of this series. Though I do not understand the motive of the experiment run by Dr. Thomas Salvo which was attended by Essie and her "baby" (who is actually Juliana's son), I suspect that there might be an evil plot behind all these things. I'm curious about what would happen next. Hopefully Essie and little Henry can be safe from harm.
Air is targeted at middle grade and young adult readers. I find it quite enjoyable and easy to read with its large print. The author's use of language is excellent, and there are no mistakes in terms of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Furthermore, the content is clean, so it would be suitable for young readers. The only drawback is that the book cover looks a little strange. It would be better if the cover has something that depicts the title or a scene in the book, such as Juliana's power releasing in the flames.
About The Author"In grade school my love of reading carried over to a secret resumed after 8:00pm by night light. My mother's expansive garden with every good thing from strawberries to strawberry popcorn, the rusty old station wagon that magically cranked up on frigid mornings, and looking up to the princess that fought the dark side on movie screens were further inspiration. It all helped me to see past bad days and growing pains and to strive to rise above indignities to the tune of 90th percentile SAT scores and completed undergraduate studies at Indiana University--the unintended side effect of my secret practice. "
You can buy the 99¢ ebook at Barnes & Noble, Diesel, Sony Reader Store, and Smashwords OR the large print paperback at Amazon. Visit the author's blog
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