Tyranno Le Terrible (Traduction En Anglais) Part 1

Each sentence will be in French followed by a literal translation in English.

1. Igot était un petit dinosaure. Il vivait avec sa mère et son père dans une grande forêt marécageuse.
Igor was a little dinasour. He lived with his mom and his dad in a swampy forest.

2. Il y avait beaucoup d'enfants dinosaures qui habitaient dans le voisinage d'Igor.
There were many young dinosaurs who lived in Igor's neighborhood.

3. Ils jouaient chaque jour ensemble et Igor s'entendait bien avec tous, tous sauf un...
They played (every day) together and Igor understand (well) everyone, all save for one...

4. Son nom était Tyranno, et on l'appellait généralement Tyranno le terrible.
His name was Tyranno, and they called him (generally) Tyranno the Terrible.

5. C'était un enfant lui aussi, mais il était beaucoup plus grand et plus fort que la plupart des autres gamins.
This was a kid himself too, but he was much more bigger and stronger than most of the other children.

6. C'était une vraie brute. Pour tout dire, il était la prèmiere brute du monde.
This was a real brute. To be honest, he was the number 1 brute in the world.

7. Tyranno aimait surtout s'en prendre à Igor.
Tyranno loved especially to attack/lash out at Igor.

8. Il le tapait, le taquinait, et il voulait toujours son goûter.
He slapped him, teased him, and he wanted (always) his/Igor's snack.

9. Igor essayait de ne jamais se trouver sur le chemin de Tyranno, mais partout où il allait, Tyranno l'attendait.
Igor tried to never cross paths with Tyranno, but wherever he went, Tyranno waited for him.

10. Igor avait chaque soir un peu plus de mal à s'endormir.
Igot (had) every evening a little more trouble falling asleep.

11. Il cherchait sans cesse un moyen pour éviter Tyranno. 
He searched without ceasing, a way to evade Tyranno.

12. Sa situation paraissait désespérée. (from the word paraître)
His situation seemed hopeless.

13. Les camarades d'Igor essayèrent de l'aider.
Igor's comrades tried to help him.

14. Il faudrait que tu deviennes son copain, suggéra Tricéro un jour.
It is necessary that you become his friend, suggested Tricero one day.

15. Plus facile à dire qu'à faire, répondit Igor.
Easier said than done, said Igor.

16. Comment devenir copain avec quelqu'un qui m'a tapé et taquiné toute ma vie?
How to be friends with someone who slapped and teased me my whole life?

17. Tu devrais lui offrir un cadeau pour lui prouver que tu l'aimes bien, dit Tricéro.
You should offer him a present to prove to him that you like him well, said Tricéro.

18. Igor réflechit un moment. Quel genre de cadeau offrir à Tyranno?
Igor reflected for a moment. What type of present to offer Tyranno?

19. Puis il repensa à la façon dont Tyranno s'emparait toujours de ses goûters.
Thereafter, he thought of the way where Tyranno seized (always) his snacks.

20. Un cadeau pour Tyranno? dit-il tout haut. Ça vaut la peine d'essayer.
A gift for Tyranno? He wondered aloud. It's worth the pain to try.

6 creative remarks:

miki said...

i hope i'm not bethering you but i though i could help with some french error or typing mistake

1 Igor était un petit dinosaure
5 il était beaucoup plus grand et plus fort que la plupart des autres gamins
6 il était la première brute du monde

8 et il voulait toujours son goûter ( or volait toujours ( if you want " steal") you can't put "lui" in this case ( "son" is telling the reader that it's Igor snack)

you are doing wonderfully i think

Aik said...

Dear Miki,

Thank you for the corrections!

I see I have made some typing errors, thanks for pointing them out! For 8, I followed the text in the original pdf as per Isabel Finkenstaedt's translation in French, but I think your translation makes more sense. Et il voulait touours son goûter definitely sounds more grammatically correct. Lui sounds more like 'him' than 'he' to me, and in this case it should be he and not him.

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