Exam's Over!

Yo, peeps! Do you miss me?
'Cos I'm officially back!


The Blackberry Bush
P/S: I will be posting a review of The Blackberry Bush by David Housholder tomorrow. I'm sorry it took so long, David! And I'm planning to pass my ARC copy to a lucky reader, but I'm actually quite poor (I'm sure you know that by now), so the winner has to pay for the shipping fees. How does this sound? Good? Bad? Let me know and I'll decide whether or not to do this giveaway.

3 creative remarks:

fredamans said...

Congrats on getting your exams done. Hopefully all went well.
Nice to have you back.

Amber (Books of Amber) said...

I'm glad you're back! I finished my exams today, I'm so happy that I can get back into blogging properly now xD

Chioma said...

WOOOOHOOO. Finals for me are over and done with too and so is JUNIOR YEAR. Blogging here we come lol!!!