The work and the materials that have gone into this is top rate, with every single tiny cog and wheel fitted into the right place and finished off to a high standard. However, this is steampunk and although this is a 16 Gb flash drive the price tag of $165 is slightly on the expensive side.

When you put fully operational and steampunk within the same sentence it is normally the time when most people would go “Oh No” but this is an interesting piece of technology. The gun has been named “Black Betty”.
This is a fully working steampunked TV, is has all of the features that you would expect from a stream punk device, the wood, brass and the round tube style TV screen. This is in fact for sale with a price tag so standing at about $1,000! How much is some serious steam punk technology worth to you.

These lamps are something completely special; this is a great look some people do not like steampunk, but when it is done right it looks great as these lamps do. They are hand made by designer Frank Buchwald and he will make one to order if you like.
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