Young Adult

To enter, you'll have to fill up the Rafflecopter form below. Entries in the comments will not be accepted. Giveaway ends 23 January, 2012.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Praise from authors:
Wow, thanks so much for the AMAZING review, Aik!!!! :-D I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the book so much, and thanks for making it one of your best books for 2012!!! You are awesome, good luck with your brilliant blog!! | Alexander Gordon Smith, author of the Escape from Furnace series
Thank you so much for this lovely review. I'm delighted that you enjoyed CeeCee's story! | Beth Hoffman on my review of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
"Dear Naadir, Thanks for your thoroughly and lovely review of TRUST: A NEW BEGINNING. I´m glad to hear that you read the book three times.WOW!! I really appreciate you have posted my book on your awesome blog. I´m honored!!" Cris x
Thank you so much for taking the time to read Bitter Melon and for writing such a thorough and thoughtful review! | Cara Chow on my review of Bitter Melon
Wow… thanks Aik. It’s great to hear that you enjoyed Shift so much. Really pleased that it was worth breaking your exam blog-ban to read it! | Em Bailey on my review of Shift
Thank you so much for such a lovely, in-depth review. I'm deeply touched that you enjoyed it so much! | Heather McCorkle, author of The Secret of Spruce Knoll
Thanks for your fantastic reviews! | Maria V. Snyder, author of the bestselling Study series
Thank you for the lovely review! And I like your comment, too: if Catherine were a plain girl, she may have gone unnoticed in Henry's court and faired much better. Alas, she did lead an interesting life! | Alisa M. Libby, author of The King's Rose and The Blood Confession
Thanks, for this beautiful review. | Angela Morrison, author of Taken by Storm and Sing Me To Sleep
Thank you so much for writing a review of my book! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You have a very impressive blog. It looks like you are very plugged in to the wider world! | Dori Jones Yang, author of Daughter of Xanadu
Your blog looks lovely, and I particularly like that you review short story collections, and review the stories within. | Kendare Blake, author of Anna Dressed in Blood
An excerpt of my review is featured on:
Allison and Busby for Sophia's Secret by Susanna Kearsley
Author Dori Jones Yang's Website for Daughter of Xanadu
Copyright © 2008 The Bookaholics
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18 creative remarks:
Finally, a Malaysian fellow book blogger! I'm so happy I can die. Happy holidays honey. :)
Hey there, I tried to add your button to my blog, but for some reason, it's not showing up. I did it three times and it's not showing. I looked at the HTML box where I pasted the code for it and for some reason it deletes everything except your web address.
Hi Tayte, thanks for bringing this matter to my attention. I have fixed the link, it should be working now. If you have any more problems, please let me know. Have a nice day! :)
All fixed! Thanks!
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers!!!
Hello ! I guess you are a malaysian ? I am so happy !! I hardly see any malaysian book blogger ! Hopefully this trend will start in Malaysia ! :D
@Heather: Thank you!
@Gwen Ee: I'm a Malaysian, born and bred. Are you a book blogger too?
Great giveaway. Best of luck to all.
Hi Aik! I visited this blog sometime ago, but lost the blog URL when my iBook crashed. I just saw a comment that you left in a giveaway and recognized your name. :) Nice to meet another Malaysian book blogger! I see that you are more connected with UK publishers (I tend to form connections with US publishers :D).
@Evangeline: Hello! It's really great to meet you too! Do you usually receive review copies from US publishers or from authors themselves?
Both. Quite a number of US publishing houses don't mail to Malaysia. How has your experience with UK publishing houses been like? Are they more willing to mail to Malaysia?
@Evangeline: From my past experience, UK publishers are more willing to ship internationally, but recently Simon & Schuster UK has adopted a UK-only policy. May I know which US publisher(s) mail to Malaysia?
Thomas Nelson and Howard Books are the two mainstream publishers I can think of right now. Smaller indie presses are sometimes willing to ship if you ask them.
Congrats on the followers & thanks for the giveaway!
Hi! It's great to see a Malaysian book blogger. Keep up the good work :D
Just wondering, where do you usually buy your books? Online or bookstores?
@Iayen: I usually buy my books online, from The Book Depository. I don't have an online payment option, so most of the times I have to get help from my friends.
If you would like to purchase second-hand books, you can see my facebook page, where I'm selling books at a reasonable price.
Thank you for the fantastic international giveaway! :D
Congrats on reaching 500 followers & thanks for the giveaway!
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